Welcome to the website of East Lothian Conservative and Unionist Association, a thriving, forward looking organisation of like-minded people from all walks of life who believe in the core Scottish Conservative values and want to make them a reality.
Our Association exists in order to:
Select and support Conservative Candidates in all elections
Ensure there is a Conservative voice to represent East Lothian in the Scottish Parliament
Ensure that Conservative candidates are elected at Local Council elections
Spread the Conservative message throughout East Lothian and encourage support for Conservative policies and beliefs
Raise money to fund this work
By becoming a member, you have the opportunity to help in this work and join people who share our values - and who believe in the Union.
Many do not realise but when you receive a leaflet from the Conservatives in East Lothian not only has it been delivered by one of our members/volunteers, but it has also been produced and paid for by the association. A member’s subscription fee (suggested min £25 per annum) helps to pay for election campaigns, but members can help in many ways from simply paying a subscription fee, to assisting with campaigns and serving as Councillors or candidates.
Across East Lothian we have a dynamic team of Councillors, with representation in four wards, and are represented in the Scottish Parliament by local resident Craig Hoy who was elected to Holyrood as a South of Scotland MSP in May 2021.
FREEDOM: We believe in giving every individual the freedom to achieve what is best for themselves, their friends, families, and their communities. Along with this goes the power to make a difference, which should be with the individuals, communities and enterprises that are affected. We want less interference from the state - freedom for individuals, families, voluntary groups and businesses.
RESPONSIBILITY: Conservatives believe that the more you trust people, the more power and responsibility they are given, the stronger they and society become. We believe in giving every individual the skills to take control of their life, and in giving communities the power to improve their neighbourhoods. Allied to this is a recognition of the importance of maintaining law and order, supporting families, and protecting our environment for future generations.
ENTERPRISE: We know that a strong, dynamic economy gives everyone more opportunity and choice. Businesses thrive if taxation is fair and red tape is cut, in return thriving businesses create jobs, wealth and opportunities for all. We want to help the UK compete in the global economy.
NATION: We want to safeguard the Union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, maintain strong defence and uphold our right to national self-government.
We are a party that will strive to build a country that works for everyone, regardless of their background, by building a safer and united Britain. We are diverse, caring and open to new ideas.
If you share these values, please consider joining the East Lothian Conservative & Unionist Association and support the Conservative cause locally whilst enjoying our busy and varied programme of events.
To join us, contact the Organising Secretary by email at office@eastlothianconservatives.com.