Start Up Loan Scheme passes 75,000 mark 26th August 2020 The UK Government-owned British Business Bank has issued its 75,000th loan through its Start Up Loans programme, marking more than £623 million invested in... National News
East Lothian Conservatives warn of cuts to local services unless SNP Ministers act 25th August 2020 As it emerged that East Lothian Council is facing a potential overspend of over £7 million due to the Covid-19 crisis, the Scottish Conservative Group has... Local News
Hoy calls on construction sites to be good neighbours 6th August 2020 As the construction industry fully returns to work, Scottish Conservative Councillor Craig Hoy has called on builders and developers to “be good neighbours” to... Local News
Lachlan Bruce: Hate Crime Bill Just Goes 'Too Far' 6th August 2020 In his regular East Lothian Courier column, Councillor Lachlan Bruce points to mounting disquiet about the SNP's ill thought out "hate crimes' legislation Opinions
Wash your hands, cover your face, make space: the next steps in our plan for lockdown measures 31st July 2020 Wash your hands, cover your face, make space. These are the next steps in our plan for lockdown measures. National News
Wash your hands, cover your face, make space: the next steps in our plan for lockdown measures 31st July 2020 National News