Writing in today's East Lothian Courier, Association Chairman Tim Jackson, highlights that the SNP's record on education is one of failure.
"Nicola Sturgeon keeps saying that she wants the SNP to be judged on its' record.
"In the particular case of education, latest official figures indicate that the 'performance gap' between wealthier and poorer pupils is now getting wider. Children from more affluent homes are seven times more likely to get 3 As in Highers than those from the least affluent homes.
"Indeed, not a single pupil from the most deprived areas in four of Scotland's Council areas, including East Lothian, achieved the necessary 3 As to get into many of the best universities.
"Meanwhile, the independent 'Reform Scotland' has said that the performance gap must not be narrowed by dragging the best performing pupils down and that, if Scotland's education system is to regain its' former reputation, major changes are required.
"The Scottish Conservatives have repeatedly urged the SNP to make radical changes in Education to help school performance. These include addressing the performance gap, prioritising vocational subjects for some pupils and giving teachers and parents more say and control over the running of schools.
"They have also called for the re-introduction of testing for pupils to assess the performance of schools, for SNP cuts to college courses to be reversed to give school-leavers more options, and for changes to the SNP's policy on tuition fees which results in only one in ten of our poorest 18-year olds making it to university.
"Despite being in power for more than eight years, only recently has the SNP focussed on education.
"This is welcome but, judged by results, the SNP's overall record, particularly in the case of those children from least well off backgrounds in East Lothian, is one of failure."