Local councillor Craig Hoy has welcomed the installation of new lighting on Nungate Bridge.
Craig has been campaigning on the theme of “Let’s Fix the Bridge” since the start of the year and is pleased his push has paid off for local residents.
The lights on the historic bridge were out for months since being vandalised, leading to repeated community calls for action.
Craig says he is very pleased that his campaign was successful and will closely monitor the lights as winter approaches.
Craig says: “Replacing the lights proved to be more complex than originally thought. I’d like to thank council staff for finding a solution so that local residents can feel safe as the dark nights start approaching.”
Craig adds: “Nungate Bridge is the historic heart of Haddington and it was very depressing to see the vandalised lighting. Since being elected I’ve kept the pressure up for the bridge repairs and it’s great to see the lights fixed and the bridge bright again at night.”
Craig repeatedly warned that the bridge was dangerous at night and took up residents’ concerns about the bridge during icy and wintery spells.
As your local voice Craig is committed to working for everyone in Nungate and the riverside area of Haddington and holds regular surgeries in the town.
“I am keen to engage on local issues and very happy to help local residents. If you have any problems or concerns do come along to my surgeries,” Craig says.
For further information contact Craig Hoy on [email protected] Telephone: 07834 337653
Have a local problem? Meet Craig at his local Haddington surgeries:
- First Monday of every month: 6.45PM at the Nungate and Haddington Community Hall
- First Tuesday of every month: 5.30PM at the Star Room, John Gray Centre, Haddington
For details on monthly rural and village surgeries visit the website: https://www.eastlothian.gov.uk/councillors/10062/craig_hoy
Craig Hoy: A strong local voice for Haddington residents